655 private links
More concise OS notes:
1AD -
Beat with: Delay throw / Overhead / Assault / TRM
Good against: Dash throw / Delay buttons
Cue: Crouch shield whiff, but no green shield on blockstring -
2AD -
Beat with: Small Delay Button / Assault / TRM
Good against: Dash throw / Delay throw / Waiting / Big delay buttons
Cue: Crouching CH on first hit frame trap or assault -
3CAD -
Beat with: Small or Big Delay Button / TRM / Whiff punish
Good against: Dash throw / Assault / Waiting (in-range)
Cue: 3C whiff on gap or delay button ground CH -
4AB~AD -
Beat with: Delay Button / Long active frames / 2AA lows on bad timing
Good against: Dash throw / Assault (char specific + midscr.) / Frame traps (low range) / Waiting (midscr.)
Cue: Backdash on a gap or getting hit by early 2AA -
71AD -
Beat with: High-hitting delay strings / Waiting and anti airing / 2AA lows (on bad timing) / hitting block early to force mistiming > crouch shield
Good against: Dash throw / Assault / 2AA and Frame trap (if perfect) / Waiting (if you avoid the AA)
Cue: Jump shield in a gap or crouch blue shield out of blockstun (mistimed) -
Beat with: Meaty 2A/5A / Waiting
Good against: Dash throw / B or C move frame traps / Assault
Cue: Fucking random veil off -
Counters to counters-
Assault: 71AD / 3ACD / 1ABCD / 4D / fuzzy abare (vs. empty assault) / Fuzzy dashblock
Delay buttons: MASH / 5AD / 1ABCD / 1AD
Frame trap: 4AB~AD / CS / DP / VO
TRM: Don't OS, react to yellow throw
Overhead: 2AD the gap (grounded only) / VO / 4D / Hold it, the situation is usually good after / or just DP and claim you reacted